Products Image: Red Poppies

Express Imaging Systems has been building high speed film scanners for years. Always on the cutting edge, each generation incorporates the fastest processors, the latest LED technology, and the current demands of our customers.

Arches National Park  

Our high speed scanners scan rolls of film, in either APS or 35mm format at an exceptionally high speed and give you a .jpg output that can be processed for a variety of final products including prints, CDs, or index prints.




The ExpressScan™'s affordable compact design has been a constant, making it portable and easy to fit into the layout of any lab. Reasonable power requirements won't require expensive electrical upgrades. A robust and easy to use interface eliminates downtimes and operator error. Internationally compatible units keep your global team consistent.

All our scanners are calibrated at the factory so you can set them up quickly. Easy access to internal components and a unique air filtering system keep cleaning and maintenance to a minimum. A sophisticated user interface has easy to follow screens with obvious menus and controls, suggestions, error descriptions, and context sensitive on-line help. The easy to use interface is designed with two main levels: a simple level for operators and a more highly detailed level for supervisors that is password protected.

Wedding Picture

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